Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19

Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19

There are photos that I want to take, and there are photos that I have to take. These were the latter. These photos exist as a reminder of the humanity behind the crisis. We can debate all day about what we can or should do. But those on the frontline are living in and with the reality of our actions

These are real nurses who work in a real ICU at a real hospital. This is their reality.

Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19
Nurse Appreciation During Covid-19

Feeding America Wisconsin


Zach Pietrini - an American Troubadour